September 4, 2019 Strong CA

What is a RealMe login?

RealMe is a secure way to prove who you are online. You can use RealMe to log into NZ government sites and services. It is also a secure way to prove who you are when you’re online.
Some organisations need only a RealMe login, for others you will need to set up a RealMe verified identity.

RealMe login

Your RealMe login is a single username and password. You can use it to log into an online service, such as your Inland Revenue (IR) account or when you renew your passport.

The best place to create a login is from the service you are wanting to use.
Go to the service (e.g. MyIR, Companies Office etc.) and click login, login with RealMe and then click Create your RealMe Login.

You will need to provide a username, password, contact details and the answers to three security questions (which you can choose).

Where can I use it?

Lots of different New Zealand business and government departments accept a RealMe login. The list is constantly growing but you can view them all here.



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